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A short walk across Rocky Point, Jan Juc

Sunday 10 July 2022. On the final morning of our holiday, while the ocean swimmers were braving the cold water, I walked from Cosy Corner in Torquay to the far side of Rocky Point in Jan Juc, setting out just as dawn was breaking. As the tide was in, I couldn’t walk around Point Danger,…

A walk to White’s Beach playground, Torquay

Saturday 9 July 2022. It is our final day in Torquay and we decide to walk to the playground on the foreshore of White’s Beach. We walk down Beach Rd to the Esplanade, cross over, then walk northeast along the Fisherman’s Beach foreshore. It is a sunny day, but cold, with dark clouds gathering. The…

Coogoorah Park, Anglesea

Wednesday July 6 2022. During the winter school holidays we visited Coogoorah Park in Anglesea. Coogoorah Park is an estuarine wetland and coastal woodland reserve located along the Angelsea River. The park was created following devastating bushfires in 1983. Peat fires around the Anglesea River estuary could not be extinguished, so Council took the decision…